NiMCO offers the most comprehensive product line and strives
to find workable solutions for your unique application
Product Data Sheet
Since 1962, NiMCO continues as the leading independent manufacturer of form fill and seal equipment for gable-top cartons. With over 2000 installations in more than 60 countries, NiMCO continues to build on this long standing reputation as the premier manufacturer of reliable and affordable form, fill and seal machinery systems, filling a variety of products in gable-top cartons.
What We Offer Our Product Line
NiMCO offers the most comprehensive product line in the industry. From manual top and bottom carton sealers to high speed units with spout applicators and carton sterilization systems - all filling gable top cartons from 120 ml to 5 Liters. NiMCO machines combine reliable mechanical operations with the latest in electronics to ensure leak proof seals and consistent trouble free production output.